Predictably the Biden Whitehouse has rejected overtures to create a policy forum for men and boys in the USA and instead has doubled-down on the “women and girls only” agenda in the form of a new Gender Policy Council whose remit is just that – women and girls, only. You can hear Warren Farrell talk about his disappointment here.
But whilst the USA goes backwards there is better news from the UK. An All Party Parliamentary Group on issues affecting men and boys has now been formed within the UK Parliament.
Mike Bell, of Equi-law UK, is to be congratulated for being central in bringing this about.
The Chair is Mark Jenkinson, MP, with vice-chairs Lord Fred Ponsonby; Baroness Margaret Eaton; Ben Bradley, MP, and Nick Fletcher, MP.
Total membership of the APPG, which is restricted to the two Houses of Parliament, numbers 15. This does not include any Opposition (Labour Party) MPs, but does include three Labour Peers.
For further details see Mike Bell’s Equi-law UK page.