The following is a request from Mike of equi-law.uk. All I would add is that old fashioned hardcopy letters have more impact than emails. So, after emailing, print it & post it.
I am writing to ask you to write either to your MP or to the Prime Minister asking that the current ‘Minister for Women and Equalities’ be changed to simply ‘Minister for Equalities’ and that the remit both of the minister and of the current Government Equalities Office (GEO) be changed to include issues affecting men and boys.
There is a major Cabinet reshuffle planned for February and so action in the next 2 weeks could be effective.
At present it is not appropriate to ask for a Minister for Men (MfM) as, even if this were granted, it would fall under the current Minister for Women and Equalities (MfW&E)!
The office the MfW&E heads is the GEO. You can see the current remit here. https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/government-equalities-office/about It states that: “The Government Equalities Office leads work on policy relating to women, sexual orientation and transgender equality.”
Under the MfW&E are a Minister for Women and also a Minister for Equalities. The roles of these three are muddled. Even if the PM simply wanted to tidy things up, our proposal looks a good one.
It is not necessary for everyone to do or even say the same thing. At this stage the most important thing is that some action is taken.
Please do one of the following:
· Write to Boris Johnson. Email via this link https://email.number10.gov.uk/
· Write to your MP. You can find their contact here https://members.parliament.uk/members/Commons, but the general form is firstname.lastname.mp@parliament.uk
If you want to include a link to the issues, please either use this one https://equi-law.uk/ or one from your favourite organisation which keeps a list (such as EmpathyGap.uk!)
When contacting MPs etc it is best to keep your message short and polite.
(NB. Although there is a low likelihood of success, ideas need to be planted and nurtured till they grow into action.)
Gender equality in UK laws and their implementation