Note added June 2020: The action promoted below appeared to be very effective at the time (Oct/Nov’19) with a strong majority of comments supporting keeping PA as an Index Term. However, in February 2020 it was removed. That’s all I know.
Prior to May this year (2019), parental alienation had been the subject of academic debate regarding its validity as a psychological condition. But that debate came to an end in May.
In May with the World Health Organisation Member States agreed to adopt the eleventh revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, commonly known as ICD-11. Parental alienation appears in ICD-11 as an Index Term under code QE52.0, thus providing clinical validation of the condition as a mental health issue.
The feminists were not pleased. Just before WHO made their announcement in May, a “Collective Memo of Concern” with 173 signatories was sent to WHO seeking to reverse the decision. The lead author, Linda Neilson, was joined by a cast of lawyers, criminologists, sociologists and representatives of the VAWG lobby.
This axis is still intent on reversing the position by petitioning WHO accordingly. Inaction will leave the field open for them to succeed. Here’s how you can help defeat this backlash…
Go to icd.who.int/dev11/l-m/en
Register – it doesn’t take long – you don’t need to answer all the questions.
Once logged on type “parental alienation” in the search box, and then click on the words “parental alienation” which subsequently appear.
Next click the blue tab called “Proposals” on the far right of the screen.
Scroll down until you see the entry by Linda Neilson title “Delete Entry Proposal”. She is proposing that PA is deleted from ICD-11.
Scroll down to the end of her text, just before the comments on her proposed deletion, and click “Disagree”. You should see the associated count reduce by one (which will mean, if it’s negative, that the number gets one bigger in magnitude).
That’s it. Well done.