This is a plug for…..

The Messages for Men mini-conference is returning for its third successive year. Tickets (£20.00) can be ordered from Eventbrite here. The exact location will be announced on the day, but it will be in central London, Sunday 17th, 15:00 to 23:00.
My understanding is that, as in previous years, there will also be a march, led by fathers’ rights groups, starting from the Royal Courts of Justice at 12:00 the same day.
Web site for announcements here
Yours truly will be giving the keynote speech, but don’t let that put you off. The other speakers will be great. I expect I shall sing the praises of feminism, explain that it’s just about equality, observe that the feminist depiction of history is strictly accurate, and illustrate these things in the context of the Domestic Abuse Bill, currently between Parliaments. It might not come out quite like that.
The other speakers, in no particular order, will be…
- Carl ‘Sargon of Akkad’ Benjamin (no introduction necessary)
- Mike ‘Dr Randomercam’ Stevenson (Honey Badger Radio comedian)
- John Waters (Irish Journalist)
- Zuby (Music Artist/Fitness coach)
- Mike Buchanan (Gender equality activist specialising in men’s issues)
- Jon Wong (Free speech & political activist)
- Richard Orrett (Disability and ‘Incel’ advocate)
- Alex Nieora (Political activist and artist & gays men’s issues)
- Ava Brighton & Tristan Lonley (Youtube Commentator)
- John Cooper (Life coach and ex pick up artist)
- Swayne O’Pie (‘Society to establish a Minister for Men’)
- Alexander Adams (Art critic and academic writer)
- Kenneth Jolivet (Author of ‘Society Kill’s Men’)
- Alison Tieman (Honey Badger Radio Boss!) To Be Confirmed
Be there! I believe last year was a sell-out so book now – here.